Field test of the TOXSWA pesticide fate model: Comparison of simulated and observed chlorpyrifos in water, sediment and macrophytes in four stagnant ditches.

Adriaanse P.I., Braakhekke M.C., Beltman W.H.J., Crum S.J.H. 2022. Field test of the TOXSWA pesticide fate model: Comparison of simulated and observed chlorpyrifos in water, sediment and macrophytes in four stagnant ditches, Sci. Total Environ., 825 (2022), Article 153961.


Manual for the TOXSWA SedDis Tool v1; Testing segmentation of the sediment layer in TOXSWA

Thouément, H.A.A, W.H.J. Beltman, M.C. Braakhekke (2022). Manual for the TOXSWA SedDis Tool v1; Testing segmentation of the sediment layer in TOXSWA.Wageningen, The Statutory Research Tasks Unit for Nature and the Environment (WOT Natuur & Milieu), WOt-technical report 234


Manual for FOCUS_TOXSWA v5.5.3 and for expert use of TOXSWA kernel v3.3; User’s Guide version 5

Beltman, W.H.J., M.M.S. ter Horst, P.I. Adriaanse & A. de Jong (2018).The Statutory Research Tasks Unit for Nature & the Environment (WOT Natuur &; Milieu). WOt-technical report 126.


Temperature in water and sediment in the pesticide model TOXSWA: implementation report

Beltman, W.H.J.; Adriaanse, P.I.; Jacobs, C.M.J.; Mulder, H.M. (2017)Wageningen : Wageningen Environmental Research, (Wageningen Environmental Research report 2794) – 67


The effect of the runoff size on the pesticide concentration in runoff water and in FOCUS streams simulated by PRZM and TOXSWA

Adriaanse, Paulien I.; Leerdam, Robert C. van; Boesten, Jos J.T.I. (2017)Science of the Total Environment 584-585 . – p. 268 – 281.


Hydrolysis and biotic transformation in water in the pesticide model

Horst, M.M.S. ter; Beltman, W.H.J. ; Adriaanse, P.I. ; Mulder, H.M. (2017)Wageningen: Wageningen Environmental Research, (Wageningen Environmental Research rapport 2848)


The TOXSWA model version 3.3 for pesticide behaviour in small surface waters

Horst, M.M.S. ter; Beltman, W.H.J. ; Berg, F. van den (2016). The TOXSWA model version 3.3 for pesticide behaviour in small surface waters: description of processes. Wageningen : Statutory Research Tasks Unit for Nature & the Environment, (WOt-technical report 84)


Transformation by photolysis in water in the pesticide model TOXSWA : implementation report

Beltman, W.H.J.; Mulder, H.M.; Horst, ter M.M.S.; Wipfler, E.L.Alterra-rapport 2649, Alterra, Wageningen.


Sediment properties in five Dutch watercourses : indicative measurements for the registration procedure of plant protection products in The Netherlands

Adriaanse, P.I.; Crum, S.J.H.; Elbers, J.A.; Massop, H.T.L.; Beltman, W.H.J.Alterra-rapport 2574, Alterra, Wageningen.


Estimation of degradation rates in cosm water

Deneer, J.W. ; Adriaanse, P.I. ; Griethuysen, C. van; Boesten, J.J.T.I. (2015)Wageningen : Alterra, Wageningen-UR, (Alterra-rapport 2679) – 151 p.


Metabolite formation in water and in sediment in the TOXSWA model

Adriaanse, P.I. ; Beltman, W.H.J. ; Berg, F. van den


Guidance proposal for using available DegT50 values for estimation of degradation rates of plant protection products in Dutch surface water and sediment

Boesten, J.J.T.I. , Adriaanse, P.I. , Horst, M.M.S. ter , Tiktak, A. , Linden, A.M.A. van derWOt-werkdocument 337, Wettelijke Onderzoekstaken Natuur & Milieu, Wageningen.


FOCUS_TOXSWA manual 4.4.2 : Users Guide version 4

Beltman, W.H.J. , Horst, M.M.S. ter , Adriaanse, P.I. , Jong, A. de , Deneer, J.W.WOt-technical report 14, Wettelijke Onderzoekstaken Natuur & Milieu, Wageningen.


Pesticide volatilization from small surface waters

Jacobs, C.M.J. and Adriaanse, P.I., 2012. Pesticide volatilization from small surface waters: rationale of a new parameterization for TOXSWA. Wageningen, Alterra, Alterra Report 2316. 44p.


Non-stationary flow solution for water levels in open channels for TOXSWA

Opheusden, J.H.J. van; Molenaar, J.; Beltman, W.H.J.; Adriaanse, P.I. Alterra report 2166


Transformation reactions in TOXSWA

Deneer, J.W., W.H.J. Beltman, P.I. Adriaansetransformation reactions of plant protection products in surface waterAlterra-report 2074


Stationary flow solution for water levels in open channels

Opheusden, J.H.J. van; Molenaar, J.; Beltman, W.H.J.; Adriaanse, P.I.Alterra-report 2084


Modelling water temperature in TOXSWA

Jacobs, C.M.J.; Deneer, J.W.; Adriaanse, P.I.Alterra report 2099


Interpretation of the mitigation of runoff in the FOCUS Surface Water Scenarios as described in the FOCUS L&M

Horst, M.M.S. ter, P.I. Adriaanse & J.J.T.I. BoestenAlterra report 1794, 34 pp.


Development of an assessment methodology to evaluate the use of plant protection products for drinking water production from surface waters

Adriaanse, P.I., J.B.H.J. Linders, G.A. van den Berg, J.J.T.I. Boesten, M.W.P. van der Bruggen, K. Jilderda, R. Luttik, W.S.W. Merkens, Y.J. Stienstra and R.J.M. TeunissenA proposal for the registration procedure in the NetherlandsAlterra report 1635, 246 pp.


Comparison between FOCUS output for pesticides concentrations over time and field observations

Ashauer, R., and C.D. BrownProject code PS 2231, Department for Enverionment, food and Rural Affairs


Estimating transformation half-lives from water-sediment studies with the TOXSWA model

Horst, M.M.S. ter; Adriaanse, P.I.; Beltman, W.H.J. (2006)In: Pesticide behaviour in soils, water and air; oral and poster abstracts. – London (UK) : SCI, Conference on Pesticide behaviour in soils, water and air; Warwick (UK), 2006-03-27/ 2006-03-29.


FOCUS_TOXSWA manual 2.2.1

Beltman, W.H.J., M.M.S. Ter Horst, P.I. Adriaanse, A. De JongManual of FOCUS_TOXSWA v2.2.1. Alterra-rapport 586. Wageningen, the Netherlands.


Aerobic Aquatic Soil Metabolism of Pesticides in Water- and Sediment-Spiked Systems

Kodaka, R., T. Sugano, M. Tsuzuki, T. Katai and Y. TakimotoJ. Pestic. Sci., 29, 332-338.


Modelling pesticides in ditches using TOXSWA

DEFRA project code PL0552CEH (Centre for Ecology and Hydrology Wallingford)Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.


Focus surface water scenarios: influence of scenario assumptions on predicted peak exposures

Adriaanse PI, ter Horst MMS, Beltman WHJ & van den Berg FIn: Pesticide in air, plant, soil & water system, Del Re AAM, Padovani L & Trevisan M (Eds.), Proceedings XII Symposium Pesticide Chemistry, June 4-6, 2003, Piacenza, Italy, pp. 487-497


IMAG Drift calculator version 1.1. User manual.

Holterman, H.J., J.C. van de ZandeIMAG, draft report, Wageningen, the Netherlands.


Estimating transformation rates of pesticides, to be used in the TOXSWA model, from water-sediment studies

Adriaanse, P.I., J.P.M. Vink, W.W.M. Brouwer, M. Leistra, J.W. Tas, J.B.H.J. Linders & J.W.PolAlterra report 23, 130 pp.


FOCUS, 2001

FOCUS Surface Water Scenarios in the EU Evaluation Process under 91/414/EEC.Report of the FOCUS Working Group on Surface Water Scenarios EC Document Reference SANCO/4802/2001-rev2.245 pp.


Proposed standard scenarios for a surface water model in the Dutch authorization procedure of pesticides

Method to define standard scenarios for determining exposure concentrations simulated by the TOSXWA modelBeltman, W.H.J. & P.I. AdriaanseWageningen, SC-DLO. Report 161, 90 pp.


TOXSWA 1.2 manual. User’s manual TOXSWA 1.2.; simulation of pesticide fate in small surface waters

Beltman, W.H.J. & P.I. AdriaanseWageningen, SC, Techn. Doc. 54, 112 pp.


Sensitivity analysis TOXSWA 1.0

Westein, E., M.J.W. Jansen, P.I. Adriaanse & W.H.J. BeltmanSensitivity analysis of the TOXSWA model simulating fate of pesticides in surface waters.SC-DLO Report 154, Wageningen, the Netherlands.


Exposure assessment of pesticides in field ditches: the TOXSWA model

Extended summary SCI Pesticide Group Meeting Ecotoxicology of Organic Compounds in the Aquatic EnvironmentAdriaanse, P.I.Pestic. Sci. 49, 210-212.


Fate of pesticides in field ditches: the TOXSWA simulation model

SC-DLO. WageningenAdriaanse, P.I.Report 90, 241 pp.